Welcome to Jenna’s Relay

About biweekly I’ll share with you something that I’m up to and inspired by across all my projects.

I promise that these notes will always be very short, down to earth, and deliver the same dose of joy, inspiration, and love that you’re used to from me, Jenna

Who is Jenna?

I’m an entrepreneur building a new and very-different-than-what-you’ve-ever-seen-before guesthouse hotel brand. A sustainability communications strategist and video journalist. Chairwoman of Jenna’s Board. Guest lecturer at the world’s top universities. A traveler who once lived nomadically in different cities around the globe. A writer of short stories, poetry, and postcards.

How much does this Substack cost?

It’s entirely free but if you’d like to show some extra love and support for my work go ahead and get a paid subscription below.

Why do you ask for paid subscriptions?

Independent creators like me need direct support from you to start new and meaningful projects, and to keep going. I offer this substack, Jenna’s Board, my YouTube videos, and a hefty amount of pro-bono consulting work 100% for free because I want to contribute to building a better and more equitable world. It’s important for you to know that when you find my writing on other platforms and in other places, I often barely make anything from that work.

Also, I often get asked if I do everything alone and the answer is NO CLEARLY NO SERIOUSLY WE ALL MUST STOP ASSUMING THAT PEOPLE DO THINGS TOTALLY ALONE. Your paid support helps me support the people that help me do everything that I’m doing, including my amazing assistant Vitor and accountant Daniel. I would love to hire them both full time - please help me do that, they’re the best ever and make this all possible.

If I wanted to read some of your past newsletters before the next one comes, which would you recommend?

Some hints about what this guesthouse hotel brand will be like

A good feel for the kind of notes I’m writing lately

If I reply to this note, or to any of your notes, will you write back?

Hearing from you is a gift and a joy.

Go ahead. I’ll try my best to respond to you.



Subscribe to Jenna's Relay

Jenna shares with you what she's up to and/or inspired by across all of her projects.
